My First Winter Coat

When I say I made my first ever winter-weight coat, I should acknowledge that I live in the most temperate climate in Canada and it rarely, if ever dips below zero degrees Celsius here. Now that I’ve gotten that disclaimer out of the way… I made my first winter coat! It is a fully lined, heavy wool-blend button coat with front pockets that I added (the pattern just had pocket flaps). I made some mistakes on this project which I will get into more below. In general though, I think it turned out alright and should work for a west-coast winter.

I used another Bootstrap pattern for this coat. I can’t link to the exact pattern because it seems to have been removed from the site since I purchased it. Bootstrap is a company that adjusts patterns to fit your measurements. I’ve had some luck with their patterns in the past but there are some fit issues with this coat. The waist sits a bit too high on me and the bust area came out a bit too large. This having been said, the problems aren’t deal breakers and I definitely wasn’t going to tackle my first winter coat without a professional pattern!

Here are a few more photos of the fit:

One thing I am really pleased about with this project is how well the fabric, trim and buttons work together. I purchased them all separately from different stores but they look as though they have always belonged together.

This isn’t the first coat I’ve made (it’s the second) but it is the first one that I’m really happy with. Now I just have to wait for it to get colder so that I can wear it. It is much to warm for Victoria in September! I also have my eye on another coat that I want to make and I just might have to start that project soon before I forget everything I learned on this one. Stay tuned…

~ Lindsay