Perfect Pants Pattern – Round 1

The primary reason that I started to make my own clothes was because I hated shopping for work pants. I am a 5’3″ ex-gymnast. I have thighs and a butt and calves but I am relatively flat across my front waist. My effort to find work pants that fit my shape went on for years. If the thighs and butt fit, usually the waist did not. If I found a waist size that worked, the other parts tended to be way too small. Everything was way too long for me. I got so tired of trying on pants that didn’t fit that I decided to take matters into my own hands. So began my odyssey to create the perfect pants pattern… for me.

I’ll save you the details of my first 3 pairs. I started by tracing one pair of pants that I liked but it took me multiple tries to get the pattern right… and I’m still not quite there. Here are photos and notes from tries four through seven.

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Unlike my first three efforts, I do wear all of these versions regularly (Grandpa Chic a little less often). Round eight should be coming soon. I have material, I just haven’t found time to get started. I plan to use the pattern from round 7 but add a little to the length and adjust the pattern for the back of the leg to narrow more toward the ankle, hopefully pulling in that little flare out. I’m going to stick with the side zip and no pockets, at least until I get the leg part of the pattern sorted out.

With all this talk about not being able to find pants, you would think that I have this problem with all pants. That is definitely not the case. I HAVE found jeans that fit my shape. They are Yoga Jeans, made in Canada by Second Denim Co., and they are magic. I have 12 pairs in all different colours and I love them. They aren’t a sponsor. I’d love it if they were! I just can’t recommend Yoga Jeans enough if you a) have an athletic or curvy figure; b) want super comfortable, movement-friendly jeans; or c) want to buy a Canadian product, made in Canada.

That’s enough about pants for the day. Thanks for stopping by!